After the news conference showdown between President Trump and CNN reporter Jim Acosta, the White House suspended Acosta’s press credentials.
CNN may have won in court but lost in the court of public opinion.
The White House has restored the press credentials of CNN's chief White House correspondent Jim Acosta, and as a result, CNN will drop its lawsuit against the Trump administration, the network announced.
A federal judge ruled that CNN correspondent Jim Acosta can keep his White House hard pass, handing a victory to CNN in its lawsuit against President Trump and top White House officials.
CNN filed a lawsuit against the Trump administration this morning, demanding the return of the White House credentials of Jim Acosta, CNN's chief White House correspondent.
After the President's news conference spun out of control, I said both the President and CNN's Jim Acsota behaved beneath the dignity of their office.
The White House has suspended CNN reporter Jim Acosta's press pass Wednesday, hours after he sparred with President Donald Trump at a press briefing.
The White House suspended the Press Pass of CNN reporter Jim Acosta Wednesday night after a 90 minute news conference turned embarrassing for all involved.
President Donald Trump held a rare solo press conference in New York after the United Nations General Assembly.
Aerosmith frontman Steven Tyler has a message for President Trump: Dream on if you want to keep playing the band's music at political rallies.
The Newseum, an interactive museum in Washington, D.C., dedicated to educating citizens about the free press and recording important moments in media history, is selling "Fake News" t-shirts and "Make America Great Again" hats.
If you did't catch the President's Make America Great Again rally Tuesday night in Florida, President Trump made sure his Twitter followers, 53 million strong saw this moment.